RGCC Testing Options for Cancer Detection and for Personalized Cancer Treatments

Biologically, the definition of cancer is uncontrolled cell growth. Sometimes the cancer cells can spread to other areas of the body, this is called metastasis. Cancer starts when the genes of a cancer cell mutate, creating cancerous cells. Unfortunately, we are seeing increased rates of cancer in our clients at MBCWC. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. As we offer holistic cancer support at our clinic, we want to optimize our results and the health of our clients.
We are now offering RGCC testing at the Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center. RGCC is a laboratory company in Switzerland which specializes in testing for circulating tumor cells in the blood stream. It has commonly been referred to as the “Greek Test.” This company was launched in 2004 by Dr Ioannis Papastrotiriou. RGCC offers a variety of tests which look at a patient’s genetics, physiology and immune profiles. As Dr. Emily Rowe has had metastatic cancer herself, she is passionate about being able to offer these testing options to clients.
One of the RGCC testing options is called “Oncotrace.” When this test is ordered, we send off a blood sample to the lab in Switzerland. Then the lab looks for the presence and concentration of circulating tumor cells in the blood stream. According to RGCC, “This test will NOT DETECT cancers of the brain or other cancers that have been “encapsulated” by the body, not releasing circulating tumor or stem cells (CTC, CSC) into the blood stream or if any of these cells are dormant.” It also will not detect superficial tumors, such as a basal cell carcinoma.
RGCC recommends “the use of biopsy, blood markers and/or various scans with this test when cancer is suspected or known to exist.” No medical test is 100% accurate. The methodology of the Oncotrace test has a sensitivity of 86.2% and specificity of 83.9%. A sample copy of the Oncotrace report can be viewed here.
The other test from RGCC which we order is called “Onconomics Plus.” In the Onconomics Plus test, the cancer cells of an individual are exposed to various medications and natural supplements. The report looks at the genes of the cancer cells to see what mechanisms are behind the uncontrolled cellular growth, including hormone responsiveness, cycles of cell division, the ability of the cancer to repair itself, the propensity for metastasis or spread and drug metabolism of the cancer cells. This test also includes an analysis of the patient’s immune function. The lab also looks at what percentage of cancer cells die when exposed to each medication or natural supplement. Natural supplements and off-label medications on the test include, but are not limited to: vitamin C, frankincense, cordyceps, ivermectin, black cumin, licorice, reishi, melatonin. A sample copy of the Onconomics Plus report can be viewed here.
Onconomics Plus allows us to create a treatment plan can then be customized to what kills the individual’s specific cancer cells. This test should be performed every 3 months, as cancer cells can mutate and stop responding to a particular treatment. Your body is dynamic and we can look at the changes with this lab.
At MBCWC, there are two main reasons why we send this test: 1. Clients who were recently diagnosed with cancer can use these tests to help to target which treatments are ideal. 2. Clients who have a previous history of cancer and are concerned about a recurrence can use the Oncotrace to see if any cancer activity is ongoing. Another situation where this test can be used is as an adjunct to traditional cancer screening methods. We may order this test if a client is concerned about cancer due to significant family history, personal genetics, a history of taking medications which might trigger cancer or in certain chronic inflammatory medical states that are risk factors for cancer.
The client pays RGCC directly for the test. The price of the test varies slight each month, depending upon the exchange rate between Europe and the United States. The price of each test can be seen on the RGCC website. We do charge a consultation fee to order this test, as you must see the doctor before the test can be ordered. We also charge an administration fee. The test is a blood draw. Because the blood is shipped to Switzerland, we can only draw the blood on Mondays and Tuesdays. It does not need to be performed fasting. However, the client must stop all supplements for 2 weeks prior to the blood draw. Results usually take approximately 4 weeks to be reported. After the results are back, you meet with the doctor again to discuss the results. We charge the regular consultation fee for each meeting with the doctor.
If you have any questions about RGCC testing, please call us at 305-397-8229, text us at 305-902-4974 or email us at info@miamibeachcwc.com. Thank you!
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