Course Description

An Introduction to Mold Toxicity

Mold and Mycotoxins Toxicity: TCM Strategies for Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Aspergillus Close Up2
Aspergillus Close Up2

In recent years, the role of toxins in chronic illness has received more attention and appreciation. Toxins are poisons. Mycotoxins are biological toxins produced by living fungi. Usually, mycotoxin illness occurs when someone is living in a water-damaged building. If the building is not immediately remediated when water damage occurs, mold can grow behind walls, underneath the floorboards and within the structure of a building. A person living or working in the building can breathe in the spores of the mold, which is living within the building. Once the spores are inhaled, the fungi can colonize the nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. In immune compromised patients, the lungs can become colonized with fungi as well. Once the fungi have established a colonization, they form a biofilm. Biofilms are communities of adherent cells surrounded by an extracellular matrix. These biofilms help the fungi to establish a strong-holding fort of defense along the mucosal membranes of the body.

Once the body is colonized with fungi, the fungi may continue to produce mycotoxins, increasing the individual’s level of exposure. There are a variety of types of mycotoxins and they have various effects of the body. Some examples of mycotoxins are ochratoxins, tricothecenes, aflatoxins, mycophenolic acid, zearalenone, gliotoxin and citrinin. One of the unique features of mycotoxin illness is that these toxins actually impair the body’s ability to detoxify. Thus, toxins become increasingly more and more difficult to eradicate. As the detox mechanisms within the body break down, other toxins such as heavy metals, plastics, pesticides will also begin to accumulate. This creates a downward spiral into illness. Often people with mycotoxin illness feel exhausted and sick, so they spend more time at home, which unfortunately increases their toxin burden further.

In addition to jamming up the major detoxification methods of the body, some mold toxins can impair the immune system, leading to reactivation of old infections, such as shingles or Epstein Barr Virus. Other mold toxins can inflame the brain, leading to neurocognitive symptoms. Most mold toxins are fat soluble and they will embed into the neurological system, as the brain and nerves are primarily made of fat. This can lead to a variety of idiopathic neurological symptoms including sensitivity to static electrical shocks, numbness and tingling, ick-pick or lightning-bolt type of sensations, metallic taste in the mouth, sensitivity to touch, fasciculations, twitching, mood swings and cognitive impairment (memory issues, issues with mental focus, impairment of mental tasks and brain fog). Mold toxins can also cause impairment of the hormonal balance, gastrointestinal function. Respiratory issues can cause chronic sinus congestion, cough, chest pain and shortness of breath. Weight gain can occur due to hormonal disruption.

Patients with mold toxicity often present to Chinese medical practitioners for medical help, because conventional medicine has neglected to help these patients. As a Chinese medical practitioner, you can significantly help mold toxin patients, as many herbs have strong anti-fungal properties. Having the skill set to clinically suspect mold toxicity and verify this diagnosis with urinary mycotoxins, you can help a lot of patients who are suffering from chronic illness.

In this class, we will identify the signs, symptoms, detoxification pathways and medical pathophysiology associated with mold toxicity. We will summarize how to order labs related to mold toxicity, especially urinary mycotoxins. We will apply the use of bile acid sequestrants “binders” in eradication of toxins from the body. We will formulate herbal treatment plans to help to eradicate fungal colonization, targeting the mucus membranes of the body. Lastly, we will identify and discuss the medical ethical issues associated with patients suffering from complex chronic medical illness, environmental toxins, mold toxins, medical gaslighting, aspects of public health and building safety.


At MBCWC, holistic health care is just the beginning. We are complementary healers focused on whole-patient care.

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