Evergreen: Weight Loss: My Journey On An Integrated Approach
Title: Weight Loss: My Journey On An Integrated Approach
Presenters: Christopher M. Estes, MD, MPH, IFMCP and Co-Owner of Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center
Registrants will have access to the recorded Webinar for 1 month after the live broadcast
Audience: Everyone Welcome!
Tuition: $25
Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center is excited to announce an online, interactive webinar for healthcare providers of all backgrounds. Our patients often ask us questions about our personal experiences. They are interested in how we decided to pursue integrated medicine as a career and learn more about the things that we personally do to improve our health. We have found that sharing our experience can be enlightening for patients and beneficial for our healing encounters. This webinar will follow Chris’s journey of weight loss (over 90 pounds!) and health optimization over the last 7 years.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Describe a general approach to identify factors contributing to retention of excess weight
- Discuss dietary and lifestyle modifications to assist healthy weight loss
- Identify environmental, hormonal and other metabolic factors which may make weight loss more difficult
- Discuss the energetic patterns associated with weight gain
- Describe various treatment modalities to address mind-body-spirit health which encourage a healthier lifestyle