Year of the Wood Dragon 2024
Energetics and Predictions
Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center   |  Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 Energetics and Predictions

Emily Rowe, MD, L.Ac will be teaching Year of the Wood Dragon 2024
Energetics and Predictions

Access the Replay!  

Recording will be available for 30 days


Join me for a fun and exciting look at the Chinese philosophical and medical energetics of the Year of the Wood Dragon!

Forewarned is to be forearmed!

Much like a weather forecast, understanding these principals allows you to maximize the potential of the Wood Dragon year ahead.

These are predictions for fun and for philosophical ponderings in regards to energetic understanding.

Nothing in this class constitutes medical advice.


Emily T. Rowe, MD, L.Ac


We will be discussing Chinese Astrological Basics, in-depth energetics of the Dragon, Tortoise, Wood and Water Elements.




Dr. Emily Rowe

Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center is excited to announce an online, interactive webinar for healthcare providers of all backgrounds.



At MBCWC, holistic health care is just the beginning. We are complementary healers focused on whole-patient care.


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